Votronic 2075 Remote Control for Automatic Charger

Votronic 2075 - Remote Control for Automatic Charger
Remote Control S is suitable for automatic charges of series Pb and VAC, as well as for charging converters of series VCC, 12 V and 24 V. If the unit has been installed at a difficultly accessible location, unit status and charging progress are indicated by the pilot lamps (LED). One of the corresponding main functions of the unit can be remote-controlled by means of the switch, such as SilentRun (night operation) of the chargers of series Pb and VAC, standby of the chargers of series VAC-F-, VAC-F II- and VAC-Station for intervention vehicles, as well as for the charging converters of series VCC. The remote control is executed as panel version. Appearance and mechanics (identical height 85 mm) are adapted to the other displays of the VOTRONIC modular system.Note: Remote Indicator only for series VAC-Duo
Dimensions (WxHxD) 47x85x16 mm.
Content Connection cable of 5 m length, plug-in type on both sides for unit connection, fastening screws, drilling jig
Manufacturer: Votronic Elektronik-Systeme GmbH | Address: Johann-Friedrich-Diehm-Str. 2, D-36341 Lauterbach | Contact: info@votronic.de